Sunday, January 14, 2007

All made of wooden

On Saturday, we got a bit lost on the way and approached the house from the opposite direction from usual. It was a surprise to see that the second floor and rafters are now nearly complete, and how much of an impact the house has on the skyline. Hopefully when it's subdued brick and not all naked wood and blue sheeting it will blend in better.

When we got there, we found that the windows are also in place. We duly asked permission to clamber all over the scaffolding and get into the second floor too.

It's certainly exciting to see it looking so housey

The house is definitely made of wooden. The expression "Can't see the wood for the trees" came unbidden to mind.

First floor

Double joists for the piano room floor

Rafters viewed from the stairwell

All according to plan

Playing 'pirates'

The two framing wallahs aren't very sociable,
but they work quickly and precisely

The approximate view from the balcony

Rafters and blue, Ehime sky

The second floor living room

In the evening, Hidaka-san and Kawabe-san came around for a very entertaining little party. Hidaka-san brought some excellent sake, while Kawabe-san brought two boxes of oranges grown by his family. Tidying up this morning, I noticed with great regret that the sake bottle is empty.

Kawabe-san suggested at one point that I take over the farming of one his family's orchards near our house. This is the sort of opportunity I've been hoping for. I have a few ideas for optimizing the profitability of orchards in this neck of the woods...


Anonymous said...

who is the little boy in these pictures???

Rod said...

Why do you ask, Anonymous (IP address: of Fukuyama, Hiroshima?